Assessment of Radiation Shielding Requirements in Room of Radiotherapy Installations—Part 1: General Principle (GBZ/T 201.1—2007): A survey of relevant personnel in technical service institutions
ZHAI Hezheng1, WU Quan1, YANG Yunfu2, LI Wei2, CHENG Xiaojun3, HU Chuanpeng3, LI Hailiang4, FENG Zechen5, HA Ribala6, XU Xiao6, LIU Deming7, WANG Chuanwen8, YANG Chunyong9
1. Institute of Radiation Medicine, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, Tianjin Key Laboratory of Radiation Medicine and Molecular Nuclear Medicine, Tianjin 300192 China; 2. Chongqing Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Chongqing 410021 China; 3. The Third People’s Hospital of Henan Province(Henan Hospital of Occupational Disease), Zhengzhou 450052 China; 4. Institute of Radiation Medicine, Shandong Academy of Medical Sciences, Jinan 250062 China; 5. Beijing Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Beijing 100013 China; 6. Inner Mongolia Comprehensive Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Hohhot 010031 China; 7. Sichuan Center for Disease Prevention and Control, Chengdu 610044 China; 8. Jilin Prevention and Treatment Institute for Occupational Diseases, Changchun 130061 China; 9. Jiangsu Center for Disease Prevention and Control, Nanjing 210009 China
翟贺争, 武权, 杨云福, 李炜, 程晓军, 胡传朋, 李海亮, 冯泽臣, 哈日巴拉, 许潇, 刘德明, 汪传文, 杨春勇. 《放射治疗机房的辐射屏蔽规范 第1部分:一般原则》(GBZ/T 201.1—2007)标准评估结果分析—技术服务机构相关人员[J]. 中国辐射卫生, 2023, 32(5): 479-483.
ZHAI Hezheng, WU Quan, YANG Yunfu, LI Wei, CHENG Xiaojun, HU Chuanpeng, LI Hailiang, FENG Zechen, HA Ribala, XU Xiao, LIU Deming, WANG Chuanwen, YANG Chunyong. Assessment of Radiation Shielding Requirements in Room of Radiotherapy Installations—Part 1: General Principle (GBZ/T 201.1—2007): A survey of relevant personnel in technical service institutions. Chinese Journal of Radiological Health, 2023, 32(5): 479-483.
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